Monday, January 3, 2011

The Scale is Imbalanced? Impact of massive corruption in Judiciary (2007-2010).

The Scale is Imbalanced? Impact of massive corruption in Judiciary in Bangladesh (2007-2010)

The Chief Justice, DUDOC Chairman and TIB Reports all almost made us clear about the overflow of corruption in Judiciary. Thanks to all, especially CG and TIB (for producing the report in very simple BANGLA). It focuses on figures- the corruption in Judiciary has been doubled in Bangladesh in the last three years (2007-2010) and all these make us severely frightened.

Why it makes us afraid? What’s the explanation of this corruption in Judiciary?
Some Simple Meanings:

  • Corruption in Judiciary – The first simple meaning is the Judiciary has become the cause of INJUSTICE
  • Corruption doubled in Judiciary questions the logic of separatining  from Executives - has lost its faith and trust
  • Judiciary was separated for establishing the Justice, the result is opposite
  • Access for justice especially for the poor victims are almost closed
  • The massive injustices have already done due to digest this massive corruption and national has to pay even in future.
Some Questions:

1. If Corruption in Judiciary System continues, will not this country turn in to a country of Terrorism, repression, absence of Human and Child Rights?

2. Is Rule of Jungle is waiting as long term impact of last three years corruption in Judiciary?

3. Will it add high MOMENTUMin other sectors corruption?

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আমরা আসলে কী চাই?

আমরা আসলে কী চাই? এক মেডিকেল কোচিং সেন্টারের মালিক ডাঃকে ধরা হয়েছে। গত ১৮ বছরে ৪০০০ ছাত্রকে সে পাবলিক মেডিকেলে অবৈধভাবে চান্স পেতে অর্...