Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Appeal to Honorable Prime Minister -Please declare “Zero Tolerance” against the corrupted:

An Appeal to Honorable Prime Minister -Please declare “Zero Tolerance” against the corrupted:
We are encouraged as prime minister reinstated on 15 March 2011 about a corruption free Bangladesh in a meeting in Bagerhat, a southern district of Bangladesh. Every good citizen wants that. But when the encouragement will be converted into pleasure?
Barriers are innumerous most probably. When the country HEAD reemphasizes about corruption again and again but corrupted people are not changed. No significant actions upon the corrupted people are seen yet. Should we wait for three years for action against Corrupted?
Corrupted people are in the driving wheel in all government. Amendment of ACC will make more confident the corrupted people that state is with them.
  • State allows 4000 types (according to ACC/DUDAK chairman) of corruption!
  • Each day corruption mountain is becoming larger and base is becoming stronger.
  • What can we do without bribe?
  • Recruitment in govt. and private sector strongly based upon corruption.
  • Corruption has become a culture in our country.
  • State is giving CNG almost free cost to the elite people to ply cars that is causing enormous pressure upon traffic and country economy
  • Government is not brave enough to ask citizen about their source of money? Submission of return doesn’t reflect the total income. What is the REAL source of money of thousands of apartments, lacs of cars, millions of ACs in most cases?
Could You please do something at least to stop ONE corruption?
It is very normal to exploit the buyers (high price, low quality and less weight – at least in these three ways the buyers are exploited)...each day all customers of Bangladesh are facing this massive corruption. Would you please do something to stop this?

No proof yet:
We heard that X government people have looted hundreds/thousands of crores of money. But still after four years no X government leader or any bureaucrat has been punished for corruption. Even not a single penny from those corrupted people received?
Your braveness can materialize a Corruption Free Bangladesh:
There is no one who can question about the micro-credit unlimited interest rate? There was no one who dares to arrest the killers of 71? There is no one who can go for arbitration in power generation? Yes, You did these.
You set some good people especially in the primary education department and NGO affairs bureau. These are good examples. But corrupted people are undaunted and they are full pace with corruption.
As corruption directly hits the majority poor people of Bangladesh, it’s your duty to protect them from corrupted hyena.  
Could we expect the same braveness from you in case of corruption? Would you please show your natural brave to punish the corrupted people? Would you please declare “Zero Tolerance” for corrupted people in Bangladesh?

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আমরা আসলে কী চাই?

আমরা আসলে কী চাই? এক মেডিকেল কোচিং সেন্টারের মালিক ডাঃকে ধরা হয়েছে। গত ১৮ বছরে ৪০০০ ছাত্রকে সে পাবলিক মেডিকেলে অবৈধভাবে চান্স পেতে অর্...